Innovative Community Action Network (I.C.A.N.) is 501 (c) 3 Non-profit organization and community outreach program. Our goal focuses on bringing people of all races, nationalities, sex, creed, religions, and ethnic background together in unity to change our world.
Having a dream to re-build decaying communities and lives by making the world a better place for all of humanity, whereby all can live in peace and harmony. The Rev. Dr. Christopher D. Handy strives daily to raise the consciousness of people everywhere to make a difference. His meager beginnings in a small rural town in Monroe, Louisiana and his childhood in a housing project greatly contributed to his mission to enlighten, inform, educate, and motivate people to better themselves and their communities.
In 2002, Dr. Handy founded I.C.A.N. (Innovative Community Action Network) a non-profit organization incorporated and based in the state of Louisiana but serving the needs of people world-wide. Dr. Handy vision for I.C.A.N. was the restoration of the family, the reclamation and the future of our youths, serving the needs of the poor, and promoting peace and harmony throughout our society.
I.C.A.N. is a vision is to equppred those in need and those who want to better themselves and the world around them. Dr. Handy invite you to join us to change the world and make it a better place for all of humanity.
"One man can change the world. That man or woman is you. You make the difference."
-Barack Obama-